Simple Commands 4 Puppy Pushups for any age

This is number 4 in my simple commands series. I wanted to give you all some commands that are easy to teach, easy to learn and valuable to know. Puppy pushups are a series of 3 commands to teach your dog, sit-down-stand. Most dogs know sit and down already, but if you only have two commands your dog always knows what’s next. So, let’s challenge them a bit and mix it up.

To teach puppy push-ups I use lure-reward training. Using a treat you lure the dog into the position that you want and then reward her with the treat. To teach sit, hold the treat at the dogs nose and then slowly pull the treat back over top of the dog’s head. When the nose goes up, the bum automatically drops. If your dog is just learning this, repeat the motion several times. Once your dog is doing it consistently with the treat, starting adding the word. Say “sit” and then lure the dog to sit and reward.

To teach lay down, Put the treat to the dogs nose and slowly pull it straight down to the ground. Hold it in place as your dog licks it. Do not move the treat. If your dog does not lay down, gently push down just behind the shoulder blades. Apply just enough pressure so that your dog lies down. Repeat this over several times until your dog is doing it without having to push on her back and then add the words lie down.

To teach stand hold the treat at your dog’s nose when she is either sitting or standing. Slowly pull the treat away from your dog, holding the treat in your open palm. Your dog will follow the treat and stand up. Repeat several times and then add the word “stand”.

Here comes the fun part…

Now you need to put it all together. Give the commands in any order. Have your dog do several commands in a row before she gets one treat. Vary the number of commands she has to do before you give her the reward. This is a great way to keep your dog sharp on these basic commands and listening to you. Make sure you only say each command one time. If your dog does not listen the first time, repeat the lure but not the word. Doing this will help to make sure your dog listens to you the first time you say a command.


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