Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Watch this Puppy Training Video, which features, feeding tips and a Puppy Feeding Guide.
Now that you have a good idea of when and how much to feed your new Puppy. A Puppy Feeding Guide, will help you through those first few months, until you get the hang of it.
Here is a basic Puppy Feeding Guide.
For the first 8 weeks, you should not remove a Puppy from its mother.
The mothers milk, will give a Puppy all the nutrition and antibodies, to get them through the first period of their lives.
After the 8 week period, you should be feeding your Puppy 2 times a day. Choose your Puppy food well, one that has all the vitamins and minerals, a growing dog needs.
3-6 months. This is when your Puppy will chew and bite your fingers. Click here for more information on Puppy Teething. Your little fellow, will probably go through a stage of not eating much, thats because hes teething, and just like a baby, hell want to chew things.
Try and feed your Puppy twice a day, choosing nutritional food, in case he doesnt eat a full meal.
6 months +. Now is the time, your little guy, will start growing, and fast. Still feed him Puppy Food, up until hes around, 1. If you have a larger breed of Dog, ask your Vet, about giving him Adult Dog Food.
Heres a few more tips Puppy Feeding Guide tips.
1. Purchase your Puppy food from a Pet Store, rather than a Supermarket. Your local Pet Store will be able to advise you, and give better help, than a Supermarket Sales Person.
2. Dont leave Puppy food out the whole day. Dog food can attract ants, and other insects.
If your Puppy gets sick, it be also be difficult to realize that she is not eating. Always give your Puppy food at feeding times, leave for an hour, and then remove the food bowl. Always leave fresh water though, this is very important.
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