1. Do you have the time? Puppies take up a tremendous amount of time and dedication. If youre working a 50 hour work week, youre gone from 9 to 5 and you have a busy weekend social calendar, you may want to reconsider. Puppies and dogs need a lot of mental stimulation and socialization to be a good calm dog. If youre puppy is in a crate all day waiting for you to come home, his energy is going to be boiling over like a pot with a lid on it by the time you come home. Also, the potty training process requires that a young puppy is taken outside at least every two hours to give them ample opportunities to go outside in order to avoid an accident. A good rule of thumb is that a puppy can reliably hold it for as many hours as they are old in months. For example, a two month old puppy can be expected to hold it for two hours and a four month old puppy should be able to hold it for four hours. Puppies also require a lot of attention. You have to have the time to keep your eyes on your puppy when hes out and about in your house, otherwise he may sneak off to go to the bathroom or go chew on something hes not supposed to. You also have to have the time to take your dog out for regular exercise, not just a potty spin around the block. Do you have time on the weekends to take your dog to the beach? Do you have time after work to take your dog to the park?
2. Do you live in a place that is dog friendly? If youre renting the first step is to make sure that youre able to have a dog, or be ready to move if youre not allowed to. Well-exercised stimulated dogs can live in apartments and condos without a yard, but having a yard is definitely a bonus for your pup and makes the potty training process a lot easier and quicker.
3. Financially are you ready for a puppy? Puppies can be very, very expensive. Even if you get a rescue puppy, there are a lot of medical costs and puppy supplies that are necessary. Puppies need to be examined by your vet and given 4-6 sets of vaccines in their first few months. Puppies can also get sick or things can happen (knock on wood!) that require veterinary care. If you dont have help from family and friends to take care of your pup while youre away or gone at work all day, youll also want to thing about hiring a professional dog walker and pet sitter to make sure that your puppy is well taken care of at all times.

4. Is your lifestyle dog-friendly? Are you a person who loves the great outdoors? Do you like walking? Are you bothered by hair and dirt? Do you mind picking up dog poop (ok I said it, but its true!), Do you enjoy dog sitting for friends? These are a few lifestyle questions that you want to honestly ask yourself. If you enjoy watching tv or reading all day, it doesnt mean that you shouldnt get a dog, but you should definitely make sure youre not signing up for a rambunctious lab puppy or a vizsla or a german short hair pointer. Also, dogs are dirty. Your floors will never be clean and pristine again, but every bit of dog hair and slobber is definitely worth it!
5. Are you committed FOREVER? Boyfriends, friends, girlfriends, furniture, clothes- those can all come and go- but a puppy is forever. Again, ask yourself the tough questions. Are you planning on having kids soon? Does everyone in your family want and love dogs? Are you going to be moving or getting a new job that requires more of your time? Look into the future and remember that youre new best friend is going to be with you every step of the way.
Of course, theres lots and lots more questions to ask yourself before you bring home your puppy, but these are just a few to start with! Life is about timing and sometimes a puppy or dog will find you and want to love you forever. Theres nothing better than having a dog in your life, especially when the time is right. If youre ready for a puppy, message me because I would be more than happy to find you the perfect puppy for you!
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